How to tell if you have mood disorder?
In our blog titled “Mood disorders: Common causes and symptoms” we discussed common causes and symptoms of mood disorders. In this blog we will discuss different types of mood disorders and how to tell if you have mood disorders.
What are mood disorders?

Mood disorders are a group of mental illnesses that affect how you feel and think about yourself, other people and life in general.1 There are a few different types of mood disorders: depression, dysthymic disorder and bipolar disorder.
What are different types of mood disorders?1,2
- Major depression. Having less interest in normal activities, feeling sad or hopeless, and other symptoms for at least 2 weeks may mean depression.
- Dysthymia (chronic depression). This is an ongoing (chronic), low-grade, depressed, or irritable mood that lasts for at least 2 years.
- Bipolar disorder. With this condition a person has times of depression alternating with times of mania or a higher mood.
- Mood disorder linked to another health condition. Many health conditions (including cancer, injuries, infections, and chronic illnesses) can trigger symptoms of depression.
- Substance-induced mood disorder. Symptoms of depression that are due to the effects of medicine, drug abuse, alcoholism, exposure to toxins, or other forms of treatment.
How to identify if you have mood disorder or you are just moody?
The signs and symptoms listed below might indicate your mood swings are more than natural hormonal changes. If you experience these symptoms for two weeks or more, it may mean you have a mental health issue:
- Significant changes in appetite and dramatic weight loss or gain.
- Odd sleeping habits, like sleeping too much or too little. You need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night to function well. Any dramatic deviation from this could indicate a problem.
- Repetitive behaviors like pacing back and forth or new tics.
- Withdrawal from normal social activities, an apathetic attitude towards your friends or family. You’re no longer interested in things you used to love. You’re bored all the time and don’t care about much of anything.\
- Dramatic change in your level of physical activity: This can happen when you lose interest in a sport or physical activity you used to do all the time.
- Feeling Empty and Sad. You feel life is meaningless. You cry frequently or excessively.
- Feeling Angry. Although you might assume that depression would result in crying and sadness, some depression presents itself as raw anger or rage. When you get depressed, you might become frustrated and hostile.
- You pull away from important relationships like life-long friendships or relationships with beloved relatives.
- You’re combative and argumentative with people you once enjoyed being around.
- You’re overly sensitive of your physical appearance. You have huge reactions things that you used to take in stride, especially rejection or criticism.
- You have a whole new group of friends. You might stay friends with the same people, even when dealing with depression. But often depression leads to hanging around with an entirely different group of people.
- You experience physical pain, such as stomach aches or headaches.
- Thinking About Suicide. If you have thoughts like “the world is better off without me,” it’s time to talk to someone about what’s going on.
If your gut tells you something isn’t right, act quickly and seek the help you need from a professional, experienced medical professional.3
Two Rules of Thumb
- If any of the symptoms above last for more than two weeks, then get help.
- If you think you need help, reach out to someone you trust.
Mental illness, like depression, tends to run in families. If you or someone in your family has suffered from mental illness, you’re more likely to also experience the problem. Thankfully, when you get the help of a trained professional and keep informed through reading articles like this one, you can get the help you need before your symptoms cause any more problems than you already have.3
At Refine Naturals™: We believe “You Deserve Better than FINE!”
- Swartz, Karen Lee. “Recognizing and Getting Help for Mood Disorders.” Johns Hopkins Medicine,
- “Overview of mood disorders.” Cedars,
- “Am I Moody, or Do I Have a Mood Disorder?” Evolve Treatment Centers, 3 Jan. 2021,