This product is for use in adults more than 18 years of age only. Take 1 capsule a day. Store at 15°C – 25°C. Take at least 2-3 hours before or after antibiotics.
Based on the clinical data, the recommendation is to take the product for at least 3 weeks.
We are not aware of any interactions with other NHPs or pharmaceuticals; given that oral probiotics add to the already endogenous microbiota in the environment into which you were already taking oral medications, the risk is low for adverse interactions that were previously absent prior to intake of the probiotic. However, all NHPs and medicines should be discussed with your health care professional, especially if you have any underlying medical condition. In addition, if you experience any fever, vomiting, bloody diarrhea or severe abdominal pain, consult with a medical professional. If the symptoms of digestive upset continue past 3 days, stop use and consult with a medical professional.
All NHPs and medicines should be discussed with your health care professional, especially if you have any underlying medical condition. Some clinical studies have shown that combining certain SSRIs and Mind Probiotic not only do not present serious safety concerns, but also potentiates the effect of anti-depressants . However, we cannot provide medical advice, especially in individual situations, and suggest that any medications (including NHPs) should be discussed with your medical professional.
We advise that Mind Probiotic be taken empty stomach. It is best to take it first thing in the morning at least 30 mins before the breakfast.